Welcome Back

Hello again, new and returning FMS Choir Families!

Please save the date for our Choir Registration Day this Saturday, August 10 in the FMS Cafeteria from 10-11:30.

At least one parent should plan to attend with their student if possible. We will begin at 10am with a quick informational meeting and then you will rotate through different stations to take care of paying Choir Fees (bring your checkbook, cash, or credit card), uniforms, setting up Presto Assistant accounts, Volunteering, signing up for private lessons if interested, registering for Kroger rewards, signing permission slips, getting a sneak peek at the calendar, and more. There will also be some old design shirts for $5 if you would like to get some extra spirit wear.


7&8th grade students: you will be getting fitted for your concert attire! Be prepared to go change. Returning 8th graders will try on your uniform from last year to see if it still fits. If you grew, no worries - we’ll get you fitted for a new one!

If your dress or pants need to be hemmed, it is the family’s responsibility to take care of that by October 4.

Choir Fees

Choir Fees can be paid by cash, check, or new this year - credit card! If you pay with cash or check, you need a physical paper Choir Fee Form. Electronic payments will be through Cheddar Up. Please be aware that there is a small fee for the electronic payments, so if you want to avoid that, bring cash or check. Fees are due by 8/23; if you’d like to wait, you can, or you can take care of it all at once on during orientation on 8/10.


All students are also required to bring a recent printed photo of themselves (no filters, please) once school begins. Photos should be 5x7. An actual color photo (printed at Walgreens, etc.) is preferred but black and white on paper will suffice. This is due by 8/23.

We’re looking forward to a great year!
Mrs. Lavacek and Ms. Watkins